Transform Your Quiet Time from Duty to Delight
Let’s enjoy God and His Word through the pursuit of holy leisure
Are you ready to be delighted in the Word again
(or maybe for the first time)?
Grab my How to Adopt a Holy Leisure Mindset to get started.
Hello There!
I’m a Christ-follower, grace- clinger, and rest-seeker.
I’m also a wife, mom to four, writer, and a business owner who’s trying to keep my emails under control, and squeeze in a nap every once in awhile. My discovery of holy leisure not only changed my relationship with the Lord, but it also got my creative juices flowing.
Holy leisure is about finding rest, but discovering it actually prompted me to get busy. This site is dedicated to encouraging everyday people to enjoy God more through gospel-saturated devotionals and find like-minded community. I’m honored that you’re here. You’re in the right place.
Thanks for joining me in this journey!
What You’ll Find Here...
Every single time I read Cara's words I am nourished. My soul is full, and my mind is fed. Cara deftly sets the table for readers to savor holy lessons from Scripture's pages with accessibility and depth that is unparalleled. I leave her table of holy leisure strengthened for the work ahead, and grateful for the way God has gifted Cara.
Cara’s expertise in marketing and her skill with words are talents she uses for the glory of God and for the good of others. As we’ve walked together in our writing journeys, she has been a deep well of encouragement, a fountain of prayer, and provided a steady stream of insight helping me serve my readers better.
Cara’s willingness to be vulnerable makes her words resonate. Her wisdom springs from a deep well of authentic faith, inviting others into closer relationship with Christ.
Cara Ray’s writing always hits the mark. It is consistently honest and uplifting. She pulls no punches when it comes to speaking the truth in love and she does it in a way that is relatable encouraging. She applies Scripture and gives a fresh perspective to everyday life. She is a gifted teacher and writer.
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