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(or maybe for the first time)?
Grab my How to Adopt a Holy Leisure Mindset to get started.

Devotional Series
Join the 50,000+ subscribers who've completed these popular devotional series
If you’re looking to dig into your Bible a little deeper, savor the Word a little longer, and turn your heart to Jesus a little more purposefully, here’s a great resource for you.
Holy leisure is about enjoying God through the study of his Word. The following Devotional Series have been curated to walk you through different portions of scripture with that purpose in mind.
These short-form devotions are available on both the Bible App and via email, find the method that suits you best.
As Jesus made his way to Calvary he met all kinds of people. Their reactions to him revealed what they believed, and the same is true today. Consider your own life in light of the Passionate Denier, the Pardoned Insurrectionist, the Convinced Centurion, and many more. Some people changed for the better and some for the worse. When we encounter Jesus, like them, we will never be the same.
- YouVersion Bible App
Seven hundred years before Christ was born, Isaiah prophesied the Messiah would be called a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Only in the divine foreknowledge of God could all of these titles be perfectly fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ. This Advent, be awed and amazed at the Wonderful Counselor who’s a wonder of a counselor. Oh, come, let us adore him!
God always preserves a remnant of true believers in an unbelieving world. They are his faithful witnesses who stand against the world’s systems, fleshly appetites, and devilish schemes. Often they stand alone facing floods, fires, lions, and giants, to faithfully follow God. In this seven-day plan, reconsider some of your favorite biblical stories through the eyes of the believing and courageous remnant.
- YouVersion Bible App
Meals nourish us both body and soul. In this 7-day series, you’ll visit various tables in the Bible and discover what they say about our spiritual hunger and thirst. From that fateful bite in the garden to the final feast in Revelation, satisfaction is in a right relationship with our Creator. You’re invited to this feast. Pull up a chair so you can taste and see the Lord is good.
One of the most profound names of God is, “I Am.” This was the name God revealed to Moses at the burning bush. But who is this mysterious and all-powerful “I am?” Jesus revealed his divine nature and heart toward us through seven “I am” statements in the book of John. Just as his name implies, discover how the great “I am” provides everything we need to love and follow him.
In Charles Wesley’s famous Christmas hymn, “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus,” we sing that Jesus is the joy of every longing heart. This Advent, discover how the divine orchestration of human events and various responses to his coming, exposes the longing of our hearts. From kings and rulers to shepherds and expectant virgins, Jesus’ advent reveals what we treasure. Find him the joy of your heart this Christmas.
- YouVersion Bible App
Jesus met characters of all sorts on his way to the cross. Like a diamond refracting light no matter which way it turns, the cross becomes more wonderful from their different perspectives. In this 7-day study, worship at Jesus’ feet with Mary, cheer with the crowds in Jerusalem, ache at the cowardice of Pilate, and come away with the centurion saying, “Truly, this was the Son of God!”
Christopher Wren, the mastermind architect behind St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, said that “Architecture should aim for eternity.” Our creative efforts, whatever they may be, should reflect the glory of our Creator, and point the hearts and minds of others towards eternity. This is a high calling for creatives. In this short series, we’ll look at the frustration, framework, and fulfillment that comes when we point our art ever upwards.
Encountering Jesus changes everything. Peter realized his sinfulness after Jesus miraculously filled his empty fishing nets. The paralyzed and blind realized they needed forgiveness more than physical healing and then they received both. Two sisters encountered Jesus and discovered worship trumps service. Meander through these stories and more in the gospel of Luke, and discover how Jesus fills our nets and restores our brokenness, one personal encounter at a time.
Freebies, Resources, & Tools
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Jesse Tree Family Devotional

Holy Leisure Mindset for Moms

125 Verses on Our Union with Christ

How To Study The Bible

Month One
Enjoying His Presence

Month Two
Enjoying His Presence

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An In-Depth Evaluation of 13 Website Headers

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Christmas Coloring Book
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Quiet Time to Holy Leisure Time
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