20 Bible Verses About Trusting God When We Cannot See

Look at the Birds

Rarely a day goes by when I don’t feel some level of anxiety. My trust in God is threatened as I sort through reasonable and far-fetched fears. In those moments when I’m anxious, I’m unsure which is which—my fears all seem plausible or inevitable. Plus, my worries can cross borders at lightning-fast speed. One minute, […]

How to Set Your Hope Fully on the Grace

Hope fully

When our kids were little, we taught them not to fight—at least, we tried to teach them. Sibling squabbles were as omnipresent in our home as the laundry. As soon as one fight resolved, another soon followed. I was often the referee, blowing the whistle, wishing there was an instant replay, and assigning penalties as […]

20 Bible Verses About Having the Right Attitude

The overflow of the heart

Life is full of reasons to complain. From sun up to sun down, we constantly face how easy it is to complain and how difficult it is to maintain the right attitude. Your body hurts, the weather is uncomfortable, the news is depressing, your job is unsatisfying, your bank account is low, and the list […]

Why You Need a Christian Writing Community

Subdue the blank page with us

Writing for God’s glory and the good of others is a holy endeavor. In his book The Storied Life, Jared Wilson writes, “To see writing as a spiritual act is to look at art itself as a function of the imago Dei. And only human beings bear the image of God.” When we offer something […]

The Living Stone Still Offends

A living stone rejected by men

The earliest known depiction of blasphemous graffiti is the “Alexamenos graffito,” which dates back to 200 AD. Scratched into a stone wall in Rome, it shows a young man worshipping a crucified, donkey-headed figure. The Greek inscription translates, “Alexamenos worships his god.”  Public Domain If that wall could talk, I’m sure it would tell of […]

20 Bible Verses About The Power of Prayer

Pray in his name

A.W. Tozer said, “The most important aspect of the Christian life is prayer.” God delights in answering our prayers. Jesus said in John 14:13-14, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” […]

20 Bible Verses About Thanking God in Hard Times

Give thanks

It’s not hard to thank God when you receive what you’ve asked for, but what about when you’re waiting on him for his deliverance? Having an attitude of gratitude is God’s will for us, regardless of our circumstances. Studies show that gratitude has tremendous social, physical, and emotional benefits, especially when practiced during times of […]

The Living and Abiding Word of God

The Word Endures Forever

If body language could tell the story, a cursory glance at the two men on the dusty Zimbabwean road revealed they were at an impasse. With his arms folded and brow furrowed, everything about the Zimbabwean man revealed his skepticism of the missionary who pleaded with him to receive Christ. He wasn’t about to accept […]

Jesus Is Our Living Hope

Dear Elect Exiles

As a kid, I learned to brace myself for conversations that began with, “When I was your age…”. It seemed harmless enough, but it was code for, ‘Stop what you’re doing and listen to how much better things used to be.’ I usually enjoyed the stories that followed, but I listened with a bit of […]

20 Bible Verses About God Answering Prayers

Pray with confidence

Have you ever prayed for something for so long that you wondered if God was hearing you? When answers are slow, it’s natural to feel like your prayers are not being heard, but the Bible tells us the exact opposite. The Apostle John writes to believers in 1 John to remind them that they shouldn’t […]