20 Bible Verses About Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God

God walked through the garden and posed the first question of man, “Where are you?” Adam and Eve had sinned against God, ate the forbidden fruit, and were hiding, or at least attempting to hide, from their Creator. But before they took that fateful bite, they knew perfect intimacy with God. Can you imagine how […]

20 Bible Verses About God’s Provision

God provides for you

“What do you need right now?” That might seem like a loaded question. You might be able to list a half-dozen things you need, including help meeting next month’s rent, filling up your pantry, and finding peace amid trying circumstances.  But did you know that the Bible makes astounding claims about God’s care, or provision, […]

48 Things I’ve Learned About Faith, Marriage, Parenting, and Writing

48 Life Lessons

The other day I walked by a mirror and caught an unflattering view of myself. I stopped to lift the sides of my face and smooth out the lines around my jaw, but my temporary facelift was only that…temporary. This is probably normal, considering I’m inching closer to 50, but I’m still surprised at how […]

What is Man That You Are Mindful of Him

When I consider the heavens

I love looking out the window on takeoff. The thrill of speeding down the runway is matched by the awe of seeing the landscape quickly shrink out of view below. First, the runway disappears, allowing my eyes to stretch as I try to identify familiar landmarks before climbing into the clouds. I see mountains and […]

Psalm 3: God is the Lifter of Your Head

Psalm 3

Their moonlit silhouettes moved quickly across the Kidron Valley and up the Mount of Olives. With their heads covered, and feet bare, their grief was impossible to conceal. David and his dwindling band of supporters wept as they fled Jerusalem, uncertain if they’d ever return.  Absalom and his growing army would stop at nothing to […]

Comfort for God’s People In Election Year Madness

why do the nations rage?

My grandfather spent a lot of time in foxholes. As a soldier in General Patton’s Third Army, he landed at Normandy shortly after D-Day. Following the Allied forces as they advanced toward liberating Paris from Nazi control, he was often under enemy fire. One time, he dove into a foxhole unlike any other he’d been […]

Your Top 10 Holy Leisure Posts from 2023 + A Free Offer

Top 10 from 2023

Last week I read an article that described Christian writing as lexical sweat and keyboard calisthenics. The author said Christian wordcraft is an exercise where we rearrange 26 letters into words, sentences, and paragraphs with the hope that the Spirit would use a turn of phrase to turn a reader’s heart. We desire to convey […]

The Greatest Gift this Christmas is the Self-Emptying Savior

Life to the Fullest

At Christmas, we long for fullness. The kind that causes us to loosen our waistbands, and revel in its magic. With stocked refrigerators, full calendars, and tree skirts loaded with presents, we anticipate creating memories that will overflow for years to come. The most wonderful time of the year comes with high expectations and high […]

Blessed: The Rooted and Fruited Life of Psalm 1

The path to the good life

The Redwoods stood at attention like an army of giants all around us. We walked along their shadowy paths and craned our necks to see where their branches reached the clouds, often to no avail. There was an otherworldliness to being there like we had stepped into a Narnian realm where everything was lush, green, […]

How to Stand On Solid Ground When the Foundations Are Shaken 

The upright shall behold his face

As a kid, I remember hearing news reports of wars and rumors of wars. Those conflicts were far removed from my life, and I naively assumed the grown-ups would figure it out. This week, like many of you, I’ve grieved over the news coming out of Israel. The headlines and images of the Hamas attack […]