The Lies Writers Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free

The world is full of good advice for writers. Just ask Google, “How to start writing?” and you’ll get a host of interesting answers like become a reader, commit to a routine, use writing exercises, and find a community to support your efforts. We’d all agree that this advice makes sense and would help us […]

Coram Deo & How to Make Your Life & Work Count for Eternity

Are your life and work making an impact for eternity? This is an uncomfortable question. But perhaps this is the question behind the question of why we make new year’s resolutions. We desire to lay aside the things that hinder and distract us from fulfilling our life’s purpose. So we change external things, like cutting […]

The 10 Best Posts on Life, Leisure, and the Pursuit of Holiness in 2022

There’s something about turning the calendar page from December 31 to January 1 that makes us all a little more reflective about our lives. It’s a natural time to take inventory of where we’ve been and where we’re going. I’ve been doing my fair share of that too, looking back on last year, and considering […]

Better than a Christmas Truce is the Prince of Peace

It was about 10 pm on Christmas Eve 1914 when the guns fell silent on the Western Front. World War I was raging in Europe, and there was no end to the fighting in sight. When the gunfire ceased, the Allied soldiers sat in the darkness, waiting to see what would happen next. Then, instead […]

Why Is Jesus Called the Everlasting Father?

The oldest tree in the world is high in the White Mountains of eastern California. The U.S. Forest Service has kept its location a secret to protect the 4,854-year-old bristlecone pine from vandalism. The nearly five-millennia-old tree is appropriately named Methuselah and dates back to the days when the real Methuselah walked the earth.   Can […]

How the Mighty God Sets Prisoners Free

Dimitri sat in his prison cell with his head in his hands. His jailers and tormentors had finally broken him, and he was ready to recant. He had endured the daily physical abuse, but the emotional torture of not knowing if his wife and two sons had survived without him was worse. All that stood […]

The Wonder of Christmas is Found in the Wonderful Counselor

Every year on Christmas Eve, we visit a neighborhood that synchronizes its light displays to music and offers yuletide cheer in the form of hot chocolate. From the moment we turn onto the street, to the time we exit, it’s like entering another realm of Christmas wonder. The experience doesn’t capture the biblical picture of […]

12 New Advent Resources to Prepare Your Heart This Christmas

Ready or not, the countdown to Christmas has officially begun. As we prepare our homes, trees, and kitchens, let’s also prepare our hearts to worship the newborn King. I pray this list of resources will enhance your reading, listening, and family-devotion pleasure. Some of these resources are free, and others are available for purchase. Consider […]

Teens, Quiet Times, & How to Change Affections One Pot of Earl Grey at a Time

“Christ has not conquered my affections if he has to compete for my attention.”  Leonard Ravenhill Every once in a while, I catch a glimpse of just how much our phones are changing our daily lives. One such glimpse happened a few weeks ago when after dinner, my daughter checked her phone to find over […]

The Blessedness of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

We’ve been exploring the theme of God’s redemption story through various meals in the Bible. The first meal took place in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve traded fellowship with their Creator, for a bite of something forbidden. As tragic as that meal was, it was only an appetizer of what was to […]