Jesse Tree Family Devotional

24 Devotionals to prepare the hearts of your children for Christmas! Learn God’s big plan of redemption from creation to the cross in this easy-to-use resource.
Holy Leisure Mindset for Moms

Find your soul’s true holy leisure in God’s Word so that your love for God overflows into your life as Mom. In this guide, we’ll examine the tenets of holy leisure and how to apply them to life.
125 Verses on Our Union with Christ

The greatest doctrine you’ve never heard of (or at least know very little about) is your union with Christ. The best place to start is finding the myriad Scripture references to your life being “in Christ.” This resource will help you get started.
How To Study The Bible

Apply the principles of Inductive Study to your personal Bible Study with this Bookmark. Mark up your Bible with confidence.
Enjoying His Presence

Enjoying His Presence is 30 Days of Journaling Prompts that will focus your heart on the blessings you have in Christ. Start at any time.
Enjoying His Presence

Enjoying His Presence is 30 Days of Journaling Prompts that will focus your heart on the blessings you have in Christ. Start at any time.
Quiet Time to Holy Leisure Time

Reframe the way you view your daily devotions with the Lord. This guide will help you set up a new system to enjoy the best part of your day!
The Wondrous Cross Coloring Book

A helpful resource for young and old alike. Color your way toward the cross through the eyes and experiences of those who saw it first-hand.
2 Prayers to Begin Your Quiet Time

A two-sided bookmark designed to help lead you in prayer to start your quiet time. Side one: IOUS prayer by John Piper, and side 2: the ACTS prayer.
Complete Blogging Checklist

A complete checklist to creating amazing content for your Blog.