Good News of Great Joy That Will Change Your Life Forever

“Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear.” Luke 2:8-9 It had been a night like a thousand […]

Mary’s Magnificent God & 3 Ways to Praise Him This Thanksgiving

She was an unwed and soon-to-be pregnant teenager from the podunk town of Nazareth. By her own account, she was a real nobody. Yet, the angel Gabriel had news for her that would say otherwise. He told her she was highly favored by God, and she would be considered the most blessed among women…ever.  Her […]

When Angels Aren’t Enough to Make You Believe

But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard; and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.”  Luke 1:13 Zacharias’ couldn’t believe his ears when the lot was cast and it landed on him. As a priest, he had performed […]

Wise Advice from a Best-Selling Author, and How to Write Amazing Content

A few weeks ago, my church hosted best-selling author and speaker, Jen Wilkin, for a women’s conference on gaining wisdom. I approached her after one of the sessions and asked what “wisdom” she’d offer to someone who wanted to grow in her writing skills. Smiling, she confessed when she first heard about blogging, she jokingly […]

How to Write About Your Faith

Based on a true story, the movie Freedom Writers is an inspirational story of a dedicated teacher, Erin Gruell, who taught English to inner-city kids during the L.A. riots. One of my favorite scenes is Erin’s conversation with her father over dinner. She laments her job’s toll on her marriage and life and wonders if […]

The Best Makeover You’ll Ever See Will Be Your Own

I used to love the TLC show, What Not to Wear. It was a makeover show, where two fashion stylists, and their team of hair and makeup artists would totally transform an individual’s look.  Often the fashion offender would be caught on hidden video dressed inappropriately. Both funny and cringe-worthy, we couldn’t look away from […]

How to Overcome Frustration in Writing

Does writing frustrate you? Do you rewrite your blog post over and over, only to find at the end that it’s just ‘ok’? Maybe this is what God intends for us. We are finite, and he is infinite…our words (or lack thereof) remind us of this fact.

Two Fools on the Road to Emmaus

“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” Luke 24:32 They had hoped Jesus would redeem Israel and usher in the kingdom of God, but now he was dead. The events of Friday were like open wounds to their souls. Raw […]