20 Bible Verses on Spending Time With God

Time in God's Word

If you’ve been around babies, you know they have a distinct ability to communicate their needs–by crying. They cry because they need milk, comfort, and attention, and the volume and intensity of their cries prompt us to respond quickly. We want to meet their needs as soon as possible so they’ll stop crying!   Have you […]

20 Bible Verses for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Are you cold hearted?

It can happen so slowly it’s imperceptible at first. Hitting snooze here. Overscheduling there. Skipping church here and there. These “little” decisions, while sometimes necessary, if left unchecked, can eat up our time and harden our hearts. Before we know it, we can’t remember the last time we desired to be in the Word or […]

How to Talk to Your Teens About Taylor Swift’s New Album

For those with Swifties in the House

Taylor Swift and I have a complicated relationship. She doesn’t know it, but we do. It started in 2015 when my husband and I surprised our oldest daughter with concert tickets for her “1989 World Tour.” We purchased the tickets months in advance and planned a mini-vacation around it. I was a Swiftie and excited […]

20 Bible Verses to Help You Overcome Procrastination 

Make the best use of your time

“I’ll get to it tomorrow.” Or at least that’s what we tell ourselves when we put off today’s unwelcome tasks for another day. We could do it today, but doing it tomorrow feels better, at least when we push it out of our minds now. But inevitably, tomorrow becomes today, and our unfinished business weighs […]

20 Bible Verses About Putting Others First

Putting others first

All day, I waited for the call that the “package” had been delivered. As the hours ticked by, we learned it was taking a long time because it was making a cross-country journey from somewhere in New York to my mom’s hospital room in California. I pictured an unsung hero clutching an Igloo cooler on […]

20 Bible Verses For When You Feel Like Giving Up

don't get up

The bad news kept coming like sheets of rain pounding against a window. First, we learned of a betrayal in our extended family that rocked us to our core, shattering what little hope was left that the relationship could survive. The grief that accompanied these revelations brought life-altering decisions to our table, and the stress […]

20 Bible Verses About Bearing Fruit

How to Bear Fruit

There was an apple tree in my backyard that I loved to climb as a kid. Nothing was as satisfying as reaching the highest branches and picking off an apple to eat as a reward—except that one day when I took a bite and found a worm inside. As we looked closer, larvae had infected […]

20 Bible Verses on Surrendering to God

Surrender to God

If you’ve ever had children or been around them, you know they don’t give up easily. They want what they want, when they want it, how they want it. If they don’t get it, they’ll let you know their displeasure with tears and tantrums. As we get older, our tantrums are no longer socially acceptable, […]

Your Identity & What it Means to be Crucified with Christ

Christ in Me

Across the top of the page, in bold all-capital letters, it read: “THERE ARE NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS.” The instructions were simple: Select all the words you would use to describe yourself. The list was long, with various words such as accepting, cutthroat, demanding, formal, flexible, visionary, and welcoming. On the next page, the […]

20 Bible Verses About Hope in Hard Times

hope in hard times

Have you experienced a season when all you received was bad news? One after another, trials crashed into your life like waves pounding against the shore, barely giving you time to breathe before the next hit. When this happens, our default response can be to lose hope. We might wonder, “Where’s God in all this? […]