How to Get Your Prayers Answered by God

How boldly do you pray and remind God of his promises? The parable of the persistent friend shows us we can never ask, seek, or knock too boldly. Our Father never tires of us doing so.

How to Live a Purposeful Life

“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.” Luke 10:41 A long time ago, before we had children or Google Maps, my husband and I went to Paris. We meandered through the city streets with our dogeared Rick Steves’ travel guide and broken French and ate as many […]

How Wrestling with God Leads to Deepened Hope

“Don’t jinx it,” I say to myself, “Don’t get your hopes up. Don’t think about it too much. Don’t plan on it happening because then it inevitably won’t happen.” I have a spectrum of hope that fluctuates like a needle on a compass in a hurricane, that ranges from high highs, and deep lows. I […]

Casting Out Your Nets in Faith

…he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4 Peter and his brother Andrew were business partners and seasoned fishermen. Taking advantage of the cooler temps, they would fish through the night and take their catch to the market each morning. From tender ages, they’d […]

What I’ve Learned About the Seasons of Motherhood

I was driving west on Paseo del Norte, across the Rio Grande River when it happened. It was fall, and the Cottonwoods had just begun to turn. The crisp yellow foliage against the backdrop of the bright blue sky took my breath away, and interrupted the cries of my longing heart. Season of Longing For […]