Breakfast on the Beach & the Denier’s Restoration Meal

Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” John 21:12 “I’m going fishing.” Peter didn’t know what to do, so he thought he’d return to the only thing he did know, fishing. At least while he and the other disciples waited for Jesus to return to Galilee, he could be productive. Even though Peter had […]

Feasting at the Lord’s Table

It was the night before Jesus’ crucifixion, and the mood around the table was somber. The Passover meal was underway in the Upper Room, and Judas had left the table to betray the Lord. The elements of wine and bread before the disciples were familiar. For 1,500 years, the Jewish people had commemorated their exodus […]

Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places

The noonday sun was as relentless as the social reproach from the village women, but she was willing to endure the former, to avoid the latter. Balancing the stone waterpot on her shoulders, she set out on her daily trip to Jacob’s well. The well ran deep, and so did the resentment of the village […]

The Importance of Early Morning Devotions

Over the summer, I slacked off on my quiet times. I didn’t mean to; it just sort of happened. The kids and I didn’t need to rush out the door, so the mornings took on a more Saturday kind of feel. At first, it was wonderful. I enjoyed the break from the breakneck pace we […]

Jesus is the Bread of Life

In the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean Sea lies the Bay Island of Roatán, not far off the eastern shores of Honduras. Known for its beautiful beaches, barrier reefs, and incredible snorkeling, Roatán is a little slice of paradise. But away from the glitz and glam of the tourist spots live some of the […]

How to Feed Your Hungry Soul

(Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:31-44, Luke 9:12-17, John 6:1-14) The waning rays of daylight glittered across the Sea of Galilee. People were scattered as far as the eye could see along the grass that hugged the shoreline. The masses had come from the surrounding villages to hear, see, and hopefully be touched by the miracle-working Jesus […]

The Good Wine’s Kept for Last & How to Receive Blessing Now

If the walls inside the Paris cellar could talk, they’d tell stories of wars, and rumors of wars, cigarette breaks, and love affairs that took place under their silent watch. But for nearly 200 years, they held another secret. Behind a layer of bricks and mortar lay a hidden room, where ancient bottles of wine […]

What I’ve Learned from 25 Years of Marriage

Heirs together in the grace of life  1 Peter 3:7   Twenty-five years ago today, we stood before God and a hundred and fifty witnesses and made some pretty audacious promises.  For fourteen months, we had been in wedding planning mode, thinking through every detail of our special day, all without the help of Pinterest. […]

Adopted & Beloved, the Banqueting Father & His Hesed Love

So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table, like one of the king’s sons.  2 Sam 9:11 When Albuquerque police officer Ryan Holets responded to a call at a gas station, he had no idea it would change his life forever. Pulling in he noticed a couple who appeared to be shooting up heroin. The woman was […]