One Word Changed Her Life

I’m amazed at the economy of words used in the Bible to describe the most miraculous events.  “Let there be light.” “Peace, be still.“ “Lazarus, come out!” “Mary.” Sometimes less is more. But on one particular Sunday, one woman heard one word, and it changed everything. Grief & Disbelief Mary Magdalene, and a few other […]

How to Find Peace in the Midst of Your Storm

We love that the Lord can calm storms with a word, and we stand in awe at his power over creation. But how can you rightly see God at work in the storms of your life, even if the waters are lapping over into your boat?

Holy Leisure is for Everyday People

Not only is he our Good Shepherd, our rest-provider, our pace-keeper., our peace-giver, our balance-measurer, and our beauty-maker, but our gracious Savior!

Prepare Your Heart and Make Him Room

I rushed into Target to grab some last minute things. I was in that danger zone of time where if I didn’t take any extra turns in the store, got through the checkout line quickly and hit all the lights green, I could still pick up Ella on time from practice.  I scanned to find […]

A Call to Set Our Gaze Higher this Thanksgiving

It’s hard to believe it’s already Thanksgiving. In some ways this year has flown by, and in many other ways, it’s crept along at a snail’s pace. But here we are, Thanksgiving week. I admit my heart has been a bit gloomy this week as we prepare for a very different holiday. Last year, after […]

The Spiritual Benefits of Journaling

Since my last post, the world has gone mad. I’ve struggled to make sense of the suffering, the anger, and the outrage. In the process, I asked myself if this was the time to talk about holy leisure. Does it feel like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic? Maybe to some. But I want […]