Mountain Climbers, Beautiful Feet, & How Peace with God is Possible

“They beheld God, and ate and drank.” Exodus 24:11 They weren’t sure what was trembling more as they ascended the mountain known to quake in his presence. Was it their legs or the ground beneath their feet? If ever there was a suicide mission, this might’ve been it. Israel’s seventy elders, along with Aaron and […]

When God Came to Dinner & Why This Truth Changes Everything

Yesterday was a diamond day. The kind that will sparkle in my memory for years to come. For a few glorious days, my husband and I have stepped away from the responsibilities that define our lives to slow down and savor the goodness of God in a quarter-century of married life.  After breakfast, we packed […]

Naked & Afraid: Why You Need to Answer This Question Today

And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” […]

The Key to Being Grateful Comes in the Least Expected Way

This week I’m sharing a guest post I wrote for my writer friend, Twyla, and her series on gratitude. If you’ve ever struggled to have a healthy relationship with your body and with exercise, I pray this will encourage you. For a few weeks, I had been ignoring the warning signals my body was sending […]

The Not-So-Secret Path of Life & 22 Ways to Trust the Lord, Class of 2022

Dear Son,  I vaguely remember doing the math when you were born in 2003. It occurred to me that what seemed like a million years into the future, way off in 2022, you’d graduate from high school. That seemed as far away as 1985 seemed to Doc Brown in Back to the Future. Despite my […]

10 Articles to Ready Your Heart & Hands This Summer

I’m convinced that May is really December with fewer layers. At the end of the school year, we have just as many parties to attend, choir concerts to endure, and teacher presents to wrap. It feels like a race to the finish line, which as moms we know is really the starting line in disguise. […]

How to Create an Irresistible Brand Story with these 7 Elements

Famous American novelist, Ernest Hemingway, once bet a group of friends that he could make them cry from a story with only six words. If he won the bet, each of his friends would have to pay him ten dollars. Hemingway’s six-word story was, “For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” As you might’ve guessed, he […]

5 Copywriting Commandments and How to Implement Them On Your Website

The power of the written word has always fascinated me. Years ago when visiting the British Museum, I geeked out when I saw the Magna Carta, the earliest copy fragments of the Gospel of John, and a napkin with the lyrics of “Love Me Do” scribbled by Paul McCartney. I lingered over them, soaking up […]