There’s something about turning the calendar page from December 31 to January 1 that makes us all a little more reflective about our lives. It’s a natural time to take inventory of where we’ve been and where we’re going. I’ve been doing my fair share of that too, looking back on last year, and considering my work here and what the Lord would have me focus on in 2023.
More than ever before, I’m convinced that writing is an act of love. It stems from a love for God and his people, and a love and respect for the power of words. Author Marilyn McEntyre said it best:
“Our tasks as stewards of the word begins and ends in love. Loving language means cherishing it for its beauty, precision, power to enhance understanding, power to name, and power to heal. And it means using words as instruments of love.”
I pray you feel the love as you read over these 10 most popular posts from last year. You all have shown love by reading, and these posts were selected based on the number of visits each post received.
Here are your Top 10 Favorite Posts of 2022
10. How To Create An Irresistible Brand Story With These 7 Elements

Storytelling is the name of the game when it comes to how we present ourselves and our work online. Show, don’t tell, is still good advice. Using Donald Miller’s outline from his book, Building a StoryBrand, we look at the 7 elements your website needs to tell your readers who you are and how you guide them to success and away from failure. You might be surprised to know, these elements aren’t new but are even represented in the biblical narrative.
9. Hope For The Doubting Thomases Of The World

Thomas earned his nickname for refusing to believe Jesus had risen from the dead, unless he saw him with his own eyes, and touched him with his own hands. But maybe we’ve misunderstood Thomas this whole time. Could it be that Thomas’ greatest weakness wasn’t his doubt, but his over-the-top love for Jesus? There’s hope for us all, in the tender way Jesus met Thomas in his place of doubt.
8. Teach Us To Number Our Drives, That We May Gain The Hearts Of Our Children

Did you know you’d be an unpaid Uber driver when you had kids? Driving our kids around town comes with the territory of parenthood, but these hours we spend together in the car, aren’t mundane, but missional. The command to “teach them diligently as you walk by the way” includes our many hours in the car.
7. When God Came To Dinner & Why This Truth Changes Everything

I traced the prominence of food, and the role it plays in God’s revelation of himself through the series Taste & See. In this post, we looked at the meal Abraham and Sarah enjoyed with the pre-incarnate Jesus and the outlandish promises he made (and kept). The invitation for all of us is to invite the Lord into our hearts and dine with him and be reminded that nothing’s too hard for the Lord.
6. 5 Copywriting Commandments And How To Implement Them On Your Website

Philippians 2:3 tells us to consider others more significant than ourselves. Did you know that you can apply this principle to your writing, and even your website? Honor thy reader by considering these 5 copywriting commandments.
5. Is There Such Thing As Random, How God Orchestrates People In His Perfect Timing

Have you ever found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time? Perhaps Simon of Cyrene thought that’s what had happened to him when he was thrust into the crucifixion scene to help Jesus carry his cross. But based on some other clues in Scripture, we learn that this was all part of the divine orchestration of God. Even when things seem random, we can be assured that every step is established by God.
4. Paradox Of Parenting And How To Trust God More

In January we got a call no parent wants to receive. Our daughter was on the other end of the line after getting hit by a drunk driver on the freeway. By God’s grace, she was safe, but this event left me reeling over how little control I really have. The paradox of parenting is that the more we want to hold on to our kids, the more we need to let go and trust their heavenly Father is in ultimate control.
3. My Story: Finding God’s Grace Sufficient In A Messy Relationship

No family is without their own set of skeletons in the closet, and here’s a story about mine. While some relationships will never be what they could’ve been, there’s a grace in recognizing they are more than they ought to be too.
2. Now What? How Parents Can Pray For Their College-Aged Kids

Whether you’re a seasoned pro, or a newbie, dropping your kids off at college is a life transition in its own right. Our roles as parents are changing, as are some of the rules of our engagement. With so much changing, one thing remains the same, and that’s our heart to pray for our kids. Here’s a post on how to pray deeper prayers for our kids when they’re away at college.
1. What I’ve Learned From 25 Years Of Marriage

A quarter of a century of married life has taught me many lessons. While the expectations of what I thought it would be like, and the reality of it have been different, it’s been the grace of my life, and so much better than I deserve.
Other Resources from 2022, You Might Enjoy
These resources were made to accompany various posts throughout the year but can sometimes get lost. Here they are again in case you wanted to grab one or two.
The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards

Wonderous Cross Coloring Book

An In-Depth Evaluation of 13 Website Headers

2 Prayers to Begin Your Quiet Time (Bookmark)

Isaiah 9:6 Coloring Page

YouVersion Plans Released in 2022
For those who love a good YouVersion devotional plan, here are the ones I released this year. You can subscribe from YouVersion, or you can have them emailed directly to you.
Every Longing Heart (7-Days)

In Charles Wesley’s famous Christmas hymn, “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus,” we sing that Jesus is the joy of every longing heart. This Advent, discover how the divine orchestration of human events and various responses to his coming, exposes the longing of our hearts. From kings and rulers to shepherds and expectant virgins, Jesus’ advent reveals what we treasure. Find him the joy of your heart this Christmas.
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The Wonderous Cross (7-Days)

Jesus met characters of all sorts on his way to the cross. Like a diamond refracting light no matter which way it turns, the cross becomes more wonderful from their different perspectives. In this 7-day study, worship at Jesus’ feet with Mary, cheer with the crowds in Jerusalem, ache at the cowardice of Pilate, and come away with the centurion saying, “Truly, this was the Son of God!”
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Creativity That Aims for Eternity (3-Days)

Christopher Wren, the mastermind architect behind St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, said that “Architecture should aim for eternity.” Our creative efforts, whatever they may be, should reflect the glory of our Creator, and point the hearts and minds of others toward eternity. This is a high calling for creatives. In this short series, we’ll look at the frustration, framework, and fulfillment that comes when we point our art ever upwards.
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That’s it, friends. What a wonderful year! Thank you for reading last year, and blessings in 2023!
P.S. Did you have a favorite post? Let me know in the comments below.
2 Responses
Good post.
Thank you!