The Remnant


RestVisionJairus daughter raise to lifeMarkFour FriendsTimLuke 18SettlingDevotionsGetting StartedHabakkukZachariasWorshipGlorify God and Enjoy Him ForeverOn identy4-DPhonesTriumphant EntryIroniesMundaneRoundup of articlesAdam and EveVineyard25th anniversaryLoaves and FishesLeaky bucketsDigital ageDimitriPrince of PeaceThe Writers' BlocI am statements of JesusGuest SubmissionNoah's ArkDiet of WormWestminster Shorter CatechismSignpostsLaura Z. SowersPsalm 3Galatians 2:20Don't Give Uprepentancefuture5 Ws & 1 HJesus is LordAnxietySoulDoubtJesus was interruptibleMary MagdaleneMissionsimportunitypath of graceebookPilateLife & LeisureHow to WriteJ. Vernon McGeeHerodJonathan EdwardsOn living it outEphesians 3:18-19ScrollingWaiting on GodRocksTeach us to number our daysSummerdining room of your heartWineexpectations vs. realityMiracleTaste & SeeEarl GreyEl GibbonSar ShalomBlind manJim ElliotHomeDepressionJesus in the garden of GethsemaneThe Path of LifeTwo pathsGuest postAbsalomIdentityEndurancespiritual awakeningThe living WordCommunityabortionStart Your DaybeautyShaky Timesloving GodOne WordAbidingLuke 11Disrupted PlansMissionariesRebelOn WritingEditingMagnificatHerod the GreatNew Year'sOn processFourth DimensionLazarusZechariah 9Salvation at the foot of the crossApple2022feast70 eldersmarriageThirstWoman at the WellHoly AffectionsMighty GodAdoniram JudsonFeast of BoothsJohn 14Homeward BoundElijahMartin LutherBible ReadingPath of the wicked2023Lifter of my headCrucified with ChristLeukemiaIOUS Prayer1 PeterWriting CommunityThe most powerful words in the worldPrimary businessgod is beautifulUncertaintyloving othersfree downloadAmber TheissenprayerJoyful Life BlogPaths of the RighteousSubstitutionary DeathCreationJen WilkinMaryKingPuritansOn social mediaFredrick LehmanMarthaPilate's WifeSon of GodBrand Stories22feastsAaronriskAbideBreadiPhonesPrisonersCarpe DiemI amthe lifeJennifer WierGod in a boxMeshachSimeonPath of the righteousHoly Leisure PostsGreater DavidLive by FaithPutting others firstTime in God's WordBibleThe Writers' Bloc1 Peter 4:1Overcoming Doubtholy leisurecomparisonloving others more than productivityfree guideExpectations4th of Julyknown GodBetrayalThe Gospel According toFrustrationMarketingAll Heaven Broke LooseKingdomResolutionsYear long challengehymnMary Anoints JesusPontius PilateVeilBrandStoryBack to the Futurefeasts as a means of redemptionAbihuCanaagainst the grainCupQuiet TimesSet freeCoram Deo12 years oldthe truthEl Ro'iMount CarmelNebuchadnezzarNunc DimittisRedwoodsYouVersion PlansSelahUnion with Christself-sacrificeBabiesImperishable seedFree CommunityRalph Venningjohn piperComparisonitisproductivityinductive bible studyLife with PurposeAbraham LincolnMovingJesus prevailed over betrayalThe Great ExchangePoint LobosPre-WritingGood NewsWho Rules Your HeartSinners in the Hands of an Angry Godcar accidentloveSimon the LeperWhat is Truth? Jesus before PilateDevotionErnest HemingwayClass of 2022fellowshipBeholding GodFill the Waterpots with Waterbread of lifeFoodReligious AffectionsThe Insanity of GodDane OrtlundAmy Grantthe wayHagarMountains and valleysShadrachNow you departRedwood National ParkFree OfferPsalm 8Rankin WilbourneChristlikenessDeer pantsZimbabweAttitudeArm YourselfPillar posteasy streetwoman healed issue of bloodtutorialLouvre MuseumFreedomtestingJudasCharacters of the CrossWritingPublishingGood News of Great JoyDayspringForgivenessControlprisonerThe Wonderous CrossBrotherDoubting ThomasHeadersDear SonsinMosesThomas JeffersonCS LewisLord's SuppertechnologyWarrior GodLife and Workbackstage passesthe way the truth the lifeInvisibleStill small voiceUncompromisingConsolation of IsraelPhil 2:6-11Free MonthWhat is Man that You are Mindful of HimSurrender to GodProcrastinationbabies crySmoking the Word of GodComplainingMind of Christtim kellertruthfaithEmpty NetsLuke 10Jesusunknown futureLukeCost of Discipleshiparmor of GodAdventHeavenDayspring on HighMy StoryControl IssuesThe Love of GodTreasureEscalatorMartyrPixargraduationWhere are youMount SinaiWallpaperEarly morningPassoverTeenagerseternityR.C. SproulCharles SpurgeonAmazing GraceThe God Who SeesAn uncompromising LifeBattle belongs to the LordComforterKenosisPsalm 2Out of the mouth of babesSurrenderTime managementPray with ConfidenceGive ThanksNegativityJohn Ownjournalingtwo trapsfeeding 5000LaborMarvelingDependenceJesus prevails over temptationDenialJoseph of ArimatheaBattlefieldCaesar AugustusJ.C. RyleLightReconciliationFinding RestGracieWasting Your LifeEstablishedThomasSeth GodinNot-so-secretDadsNadabWater into winemorningSupper in the UpperChristian CreativesEverlasting FatherTempus FugitI am the doorI am the resurrection and the lifeIsaac NewtonDangerous LifeChampionOn Christ the Solid Rock I StandSelf-EmptyingPsalmsWho am I?SubmissionLeisure timeSue GodHard TimesLiving WaterBecoming Like ChristBalancelife-changingDevotionalMark GospelLuke 5Mary and MarthaGeorge MullerMan of SorrowsJohn Piper QuoteCharacters Near the CrossBattlesChristmasPoor in SpiritNew DayEphesians 2:10Holding OnLuke 15Daniel 9Foot5 Copywriting CommandmentsSteve JobsPaths of LifePerfection GapSeeing GodWeddingQuiet timedenialsResourcesforeverWriters' BlocJohn 10John NewtonJob lossDaniel in the lions denDavid and GoliathPsalm 11Parabolic curveWhy do the nations rageHe became like usHave thine own wayTaylor SwiftAnswered PrayersThanking GodProv 4:23KindnessGracepaceJesus calms stormstrustMasterMissing ItHymns for HimtemptationLuke 22Clear Eyes Full Hearts Can't LoseEphesians 6Every Longing HeartShepherdsSunrisePhilippians 1:6Jesus take the wheelProdigal sonGod's TimingMarcCopywritingStorytellingRoads? What Roads?AbrahamAlbuquerque5000Remember the morning watchfireIsaiah 9:6infinityWriting Coram DeoMichael W. SmithRaising the deadlayoffDariusThe RemnantDavidHe emptied himselfBreaking bonds48th BirthdayRichard BaxterThe Tortured Poets DepartmentGod HearsA.W. Tozer1 Peter 1:13Psalm 110Otium SanctumjoyPetercomfortObedienceOne ThingLuke 12Abiding in ChristSifting like WheatCleopasRevelation 19Tale of Two SaviorsKing of Kings202152Letting GoScandalous love of GodPalm BranchesMomWebWebsiteDash Against a RockCome and DineHesedDisciplesScrewtape LettersfiresideLight of the WorldMethuselahCheerleadingI am the good shepherdResurrection powerTrials as MedicinedecisionsEstherIsraelLife to the FullestThe God who laughs20 VersesBearing fruitDiscernmentLiving hopePower of PrayerSet your hope fullyMelchizedekTrialsnewsRembrandtHoly Leisure in Hard PlacesResultsExtraordinaryProvisionExchanged LifeBone Marrow TransplantJesus in the Old TestamentWell-dressed ChristianAngelsKingmakersListBloggingParadox of ParentingShameless love of GodPalm SundaySimon of CyreneWebcopyWebsite EvalsExerciseFollow the FoodMephiboshethHungerbroken cisternstale of two firesLightsArmyEcclesiastessheepI am the true vineIsaiah 58:11types and shadowsMordecaiHamasChristmas JoyKiss the SonGod's Provisionfruit bearingMusic1 Peter 1:3-4Living StoneHopePriestPeace2020crooked yet straight pathsufferingWorkFather's Dayanswered prayerHudson TaylorGift of ReceivingLuke 24What Not to WearDisbeliefQueen VictoriaTop 10Final thoughtsParentingSpandexPerfect TimingStepsDrivingWritersGratitudeIs Anything too Hard for the LordPoliceHungry SoulfulfillmentHallelujahWonderChristmas TruceSeasonsshepherdThe Abiding LifeScorched PlacesAbednegoHamanJudgmentJesus is hereThe anointed reignsJehovah-Jirehapple treeRevivalElect exilesAlexamenos graffitoPrepare your mind2024HappyPraiseDietrich BonhoefferEasterInfertilityFathersBartimaeusSecret to LifeLaura SowersRoad to EmmausBlessingDumbnessSeeking70Lessons LearnedSafetyBeholdingProphecyCenturionLife10PainLaughingTableLeftovershappinessIsaiah 25Wonder of a CounselorCommanderSeasons of Creativitythe good onethe Great I amChiasmBut if notProvidenceThe upright shall see his faceEmmanuelDavid MathisIntimacy with GodJohn BunyanSpiritual renewalpearlsImago DeiBe sober-mindedFearHustleThanksgivinggetting things doneGospelLauren BowermanOrdinaryJesus healsSecret to SuccessBarabbasTwo FoolsBlessing and BurdenGabrielWise MenChief End of ManOn building a platformtrusting GodDear DaughterTriumphal EntryEarthquakeMother's DayHeart & HandsUncommon NormalSarahTrumpleisureJohn 4Marriage Supper of the LambWonderful CounselorCommander in PeaceSolomonElisabeth Elliotyou are the branchesGod Remembered NoahDanielJohn MacArtherPsalm 1God with UsElection yearhope in hard timesPilgrim's Progresscold heartSpurgeon quotesJared WilsonFuture graceWorry
A small cloud of dust kicked up beneath his well-worn sandals as he entered the temple courtyard. Simeon’s heart raced as he moved with an urgency he hadn’t...
Standing before the mirror, she transformed into a true beauty queen. Her maidens knew how to work magic and accentuate all her best features. They selected the King’s...
The battle lines had been drawn, but the two armies were at a standstill. Israel and Judah gathered on the north side of the valley of Elah, and...
Martin Luther walked into the courtroom at the Diet of Worms to defend his writings and his life. On his way into the assembly, an Army General made...
After a long day at work, Daniel entered his small Babylonian apartment and noticed the curtains gently floating away from the open window.
On Mount Carmel, the prophets of Baal begged and bled for their god to answer them. Leaning against a rock with his arms crossed, Elijah watched and waited....
In the center of the vast clearing, his magnum opus slowly took shape. Piles of logs surrounded the worksite, and hired men cut and hauled the massive timber...